RC25NT - Minimum wear with maximum load capacity
RC25NT stands for Radial Controlled 25 t axle load New Technology.
The RC25NT bogie is a proprietary development of ELH and is particularly characterised by the following features:
- gentle on wheels and tracks due to high running quality in curves and straight-aways
- Speed potential up to 160 km/h (without additional equipment)
- low noise emission
- easy maintenance
- low maintenance costs
- modular
- 25 t axle load
- TSI-certified
This bogie is therefore particularly suitable for freight wagons with a high mileage and for use with high population density "on the tracks".
The bogie sheathing space is maintained in accordance with UIC 510-1. The interfaces as well as the components of the car body support also comply with this UIC standard. Therefore, the RC25NT bogie is interchangeable with the Y25.